Friday, March 27, 2009

procrastinater fish fish, where r u..................

i look around
there's no watch
there's no specs

i rub my eyes
sometimes it's dark
sometimes it's bright

but then it doesn't feel right
i clean myself
i pray to God

urgh, i'm starving
what's the menu again?
nevermind, i'll figure it out later

is it really 8 0'clock?
will prof John be late?
all i know is he's always smiling, a lot..

6 months and counting
my baby kancil i'm sorry
global recession seems to effect me

i say i'm sorry mama
i never meant to hurt u
tonite i WILL clean the kitchen

and now i got myself a ****ing B
i started to hate everyone
most of all, i hate myself for hating them

better late than never?
figure out what to do with time that is given to u?
urgh, i don't want to lick my own spit

u do know better right???


Unknown said...

i dont understand a shit...

ellyWong said...

hope you've got over this already. takper2, lepas ni full score! insyaAllah :)