Friday, October 30, 2009

Job Review


what students do
-learn the rules then break some
-come to class half asleep half a shower?
-make friends and then eventually some enemy
-hooliganism in class
-what to eat/ where to lepak after class
-learn friends signature
-cuci cuci mata
-ping pong before dinner, snooker before supper, jamming before subuh

the turning point of career
-sleepless night before exam/test
-the art of copy and paste
-exam slips(money, attendance, luck)
-promotion, in other words-retired

the favorite worst nightmare
-become a regular

job rating
-7 star/5 star
-love and miss by many

-it doesn't matter how it started, it matter how it end-

1 comment:

ellyWong said...

hahaha... adoi adoi.. lawak2..

the last part is sooooo true :D